
Colorado Assisted Living Homes

Assisted living, Senior housing, Nursing home
Providing Assisted Living services for seniors in Littleton, Centennial and surrounding areas in our Nurse owned and managed residential style care homes

Phone Number303-948-0555


Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Open 24hrs
Address6638 W Ottawa Ave Suite, 150-2 , Littleton, 80128, CO, US
6638 W Ottawa Ave Suite, 150-2


Colorado Assisted Living Homes are nurse-owned and operated homes that are designed to provide quality loving care for seniors. Our Assisted Living services provide seniors with the care they need in an environment where they receive home cooked meals, activties, and personalized care with bathing, dressing, medication disbursement, as well as exercise and weekly hair styling. Services are tailored to meet the needs of those who need individualized supervision, guidance and support on a daily basis. Our compassionate caregivers understand that each of our residents is unique. They are able to provide the personalized attention necessary to assure each individual's well being.

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